A. Project Background
“Lasem Batik” Is the name of a shopping platform where our developer team is going to put our effort work into. The word “Lasem” means a name for a district of a “Rembang districts” in internationally known Island of Java with inseparable fact that “Lasem” is a popular site for numerous classical heritage, from a religous wave, cultural marriage, and apparels internally and externally. By any means, with such a rich contents wrapped inside the idea of the product, our team has to concentrated high enough on its quality elements to create a successful shopping platform for “Lasem Batik”.
B. Goal
We would like to envision our clients product as an electronic commerce that is intuitive, cultural familiarity, fresh interface, professional and
secure. Those elements we believe are essential of an e-commerce success measure. We hope that the soul of the brand can perfectly be mirrored through technology.
D. Solution and Technical aspect
Internet has multiplied overall web experience these couple years, and will continue to an upcoming years. Besides “Lasem Batik” can be easily accessible through diverge modern communication devices, web could leverage marketing results and lower the cost to advertisements.
Talking about technical perspective, the project is going to be developed under a mature web based technology such as, PHP Code Igniter, and MySQL.
E. Project Duration and Timeline
The project begin on April until June with two months timespan from designing until testing and deployments. A team consist of three programmers are doing different task, ranging from databases, business logic and user interface. As an author of this page, i primarily doing full-stack development with help of my co-programmers doing research, programming and documentation.
Authored by,
Computer Science Undergraduate Program – 1601249192
The whole project is dedicated to the “Scripting Languages Course” under BINUS International University.
The Joseph Wibowo Center
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